That's very true and something I've never given much thought to. Numerous times I've had comments made to me such as "you've come out stronger" or "its made you stronger and kinder" ?
I think they're all clichéd sayings when people don't really know how to respond to something?
But thinking about it, you're right. I became strong through my own will. I was already kind because I chose not to let it make me bitter.
In answer to the question posed.... Being described as 'strong' (not meant in offence to those that have said it) I'd rather it all hadn't of happened so there would be no need for me to be 'strong' as a result. (sorry, bit of a depressing response).
No need to apologize, I don't know a single survivor who relishes being called "strong." I'm sure it's meant as a compliment, but given a choice between people thinking I'm strong and having never been abused in the first place no one would choose being strong.
That's very true and something I've never given much thought to. Numerous times I've had comments made to me such as "you've come out stronger" or "its made you stronger and kinder" ?
I think they're all clichéd sayings when people don't really know how to respond to something?
But thinking about it, you're right. I became strong through my own will. I was already kind because I chose not to let it make me bitter.
Thank you x
In answer to the question posed.... Being described as 'strong' (not meant in offence to those that have said it) I'd rather it all hadn't of happened so there would be no need for me to be 'strong' as a result. (sorry, bit of a depressing response).
No need to apologize, I don't know a single survivor who relishes being called "strong." I'm sure it's meant as a compliment, but given a choice between people thinking I'm strong and having never been abused in the first place no one would choose being strong.