Revue newsletter for Child Abuse Survivor - Issue #25
Almost the end of February already? Feels like we just started 2022, and yet so much has happened around the world. Here's hoping you are staying safe and taking care, and check out the HuffPost link about vicarious trauma. It might be useful this week.
New From the Blogs
Sharing - America's Lack of Bereavement Leave Is Causing a Grief Crisis — So people who are grieving do it privately. They barely function through the workday and then go home and grieve by themselves. They are left to process grief without any community and the support that provides. They are left to feel like there is something wrong with them because they still miss their loved ones as if that is somehow not normal. It is normal, we don't simply forget the people we lose or the tragedies we experience and then move on. It sticks with you. You feel it again on birthdays and holidays, in places where you are reminded of them when you want to pick up the phone and tell them some exciting news. That doesn't just go away after a set amount of time. We should stop pretending that it should and start making sure everyone has some space to grieve, no matter how long it's been.
Sharing - Having your pain invalidated is associated with increased shame and, in turn, an increased risk of depression — There's more at the link, but again I'm going to ask, given the positive impacts of validating someone's pain and emotions, and the negative impacts of invalidating those same things, why would we do anything else?
New To Me - Teen Suicide Prevention Series — I say new to me only because I hadn't seen it until yesterday. It's an animated series aimed at telling the stories of teens dealing with a variety of issues called My Life is Worth Living.
Shared from Elsewhere
How To Ease Some Of The Vicarious Trauma You May Be Feeling Right Now | HuffPost Life — It's normal to feel anxious as you follow what's unfolding in Ukraine. Here's how to stay informed while protecting your mental health.
Why Toxic Positivity Can Be So Harmful — Toxic positivity is an attitude that demands happiness no matter what. Learn why this mindset can be so harmful and what you can do instead.
15 Documentaries About Mental Health to Stream Now - PureWow — These documentaries about mental health offer insight on conditions like anorexia, bipolar disorder, depression and more. Keep reading for 15 titles you can stream right now.
10 Ways Childhood Trauma Manifests in Adult Relationships | Psychology Today — Our formative years pave the way for interactions in our later relationships.
From the Archives
Sharing - 6 Sneaky Signs You're Experiencing Ongoing Trauma From The Pandemic — What did surprise me, though, was that I actually saw all 6 of these signs in myself. All 6. (I also don't think they are all that sneaky, but then again, while I know I've been having worse anxiety lately, all of these did sort of sneak up on me.) So, I don't know about you, but I know for sure that I am now hyper-vigilant, negative, anxious, withdrawn, exhausted, and dealing with more physical aches and pains than I ever have. This article helps me realize that it's not really a coincidence. How about you?
Another Reminder - To Reduce Suicide Risk for LGBTQ folks Just Accept Who They Are — So again, we see that simply accepting people for who they are has a pretty large impact on the risk of losing them to suicide. Why would we do anything else, for anyone?
Link - People Overestimate How Much Willpower Helps Mental Illness — Yes, it’s true: “This is actually quite simple. People like to think they have control. People like to think they have control over their mental health. People like to think their will is keeping them free from illness. People like to feel like mental illness can’t touch them because of their “superior” willpower.” Natasha goes...