Today is Transgender Day of Visibility and if you think that’s not important, I would remind you of a simple fact that I’ve shared on the blog many times.
Want to Lower LGBTQ Youth Suicide Risks? Just Accept Who They Are
To quote Dr. Amy Green, from The Trevor Project:
When we look at that, the data is striking. One of our data findings found LGBTQ youth who have at least one accepting adult are 40% less likely to report a suicide attempt. When I say risk factors, rejection is one of the biggest ones on the other side for protective factors, it’s acceptance, it’s affirmation, it’s support. It’s so crucial during the adolescence and young adult period.
So transgender teens and adults must be seen and accepted for who they are because the alternative is losing more people to suicide. That’s not acceptable. Threatening fellow human beings with violence, passing laws that make it illegal for them to exist in public spaces, and attacking their very existence will lead to more deaths by suicide.
That’s inhumane. There is nothing righteous about knowing there’s something you can do to help prevent suicides and not doing it, let alone doing the exact opposite.
New From the Blogs
TALK Checklist by Internet Watch Foundation
I am happy to see the emphasis on talking to your children on a consistent basis and making sure you understand what they are doing online and the technology they are using.
Sexual assault has happened to this many other guys, and almost nobody talks about it?
It pains me to know that so many survivors spend their adult lives in isolation and shame because they don't know other survivors around them. This is why telling our stories when we can, is so important. No one should spend most of their adult life ashamed of surviving abuse. Those of us who are in a position to share our story and the statistics about abuse can change that. You can change that by sharing those stories and those statistics, shedding light on a subject we spend too much time trying to avoid. That light saves lives.
Sharing - The Brain Benefits of Social Connection
Just stay connected to each other. It does so much good for yourself and the people you care about.
Shared from Elsewhere
Shaming Is an Aggressive Act - “Broad research has shown that self-compassion is the antidote to shame.” - Healing from abuse requires a lot of self-compassion for this reason.
More Overwhelmed Than I Used to Be - Same, dude. Same.
What Helps Me Process My Trauma
Trauma is like a hole in a wall.
Faith is a school shooting survivor. She uses this metaphor to describe what that trauma is like. You should read the whole thing to understand.
Also -
From the Archives
Link – Why Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse Don’t Disclose
We don’t exactly make it safe for them.
Speaking of ways in which we don’t make it safe, there’s this classic too - Reasons Family Members Side with Sexual Abusers