As you might guess from my last name, McBride, there’s more than a little bit of Irish blood in my veins. Today is the day that we celebrate that heritage, and it got me thinking about survivors and mental health.
For me, being Irish is something that just is. I didn’t have to earn it. I can’t do anything that would change it. It is who I am. I get to celebrate that simply because I exist.
I also know that many a survivor, including myself, struggles with seeing themselves as damaged, or beyond hope. Today, instead of thinking about all the ways we feel “less than”, can we try to focus on what we are? We are human beings, we are alive. That alone has value that is worth celebrating. No one needs to give us that value, nor can anyone take it away. Our past doesn’t make us non-human. Our current struggles don’t make us unworthy of all the things that make us human.
Today, I raise a glass to my Irish heritage. I also raise a glass to all of us, who are human beings just the same as everyone else, because we exist.
New From the Blogs
Ellie damaged the lives of people she falsely accused. She has also potentially damaged the lives of many more victims who will be silenced because of this.
Again we see how being educated and open about mental health issues creates people who know what to do. We can't get support from people who don't know what to do and they don't learn what to do when society remains unwilling to talk about mental health.

Calm Reminds Us That Diverse Teams Have Diverse Mental Health Needs
The point, however, is that when you look at the diversity on your team and consider how to implement solid mental health support systems, don't forget about the diversity. Don't assume they all need the same thing. They do not. There are some cultural differences, some unique challenges, and some ways to consider the diverse needs that some of them may have. It's worth keeping in mind.
Reviews Elsewhere - Three Books For Managing Fear and Anxiety
Shared from Elsewhere
Teens Know Why Mental Health Is Worsening, Now It’s Time to Listen - social media comparisons, sure. But also a massive amount of misogyny, sexual violence, traumatic news in their face all the time, and pressure.
5 Benefits of Solitude and Why You Need It for Your Mental Health - in a world that values productivity over everything, we lose the ability to simply be alone.
"What I know for sure, after the work and conversations these past three weeks, is that we need to get better at holding, hearing, and healing sorrow."
Also, for your reference:
From the Archives
What Matters Most for our Mental Health? Each Other
Being connected to each other is better for everyone’s mental health and happiness. It can bring a tiny bit of joy into what otherwise might be a dull day.
Link – How to Support a Friend or Loved One Who Has Been Sexually Abused
You can’t fix someone’s sexual abuse, mental health struggle, or grief. But you can be there for them. Just to sit with them.
Finally a question - There’s A Lot of Mental Health Data Out There, But Do We Understand It?
Thanks for reading, please share this newsletter or any of the links with people you care about. It’s a good excuse to get in touch!