Child Abuse and Mental Health Survivors Information - Issue #79
Share with people you care about.
I want to take a moment to ask you all something. My website, social media work, and this newsletter do not make money. The marketing budget for this doesn’t exist. The only way people learn about it is because someone shares it with them.
If you know anyone who would benefit from reading this every week or following this information on social media, please share it with them. They deserve to know that they are not alone too.
New From the Blogs
Memory Getting Worse, Struggling to Make Decisions? It Could be Stress
A new study indicates that being stressed can impact our cognitive abilities.
Sharing - Where Does Shame Come From?
Those who have suffered childhood trauma often have shame that we cannot place. Sometimes because our memories are foggy and we can't place them, maybe more often because shame became part of us as we grew up. Our very development occurred in the middle of shame, so much so that we aren't even aware of it.
It just is. It has always been and always will be.
Except that's not correct at all.
Also - Reviews Elsewhere - What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma
Shared from Elsewhere
The Internet Has Turned Self-Care Into A Scam
This is something worth thinking about:
As Plumer explains: "Whilst self care done right can often lead to us having more patience and emotional generosity towards others, there are some that see self care as the practice of consistently prioritising their own wants and needs above everyone else's, including the greater good."
Speaking of things worth reading and thinking about - The status of global mental health - by Ben Miller
Why Young People Are Languishing - there are many reasons, it's complicated. It's also a serious problem.
What is trauma bonding? Signs and how to break a trauma bond
We need to understand this situation better:
In a trauma bonded relationship, moments of distress and devaluation are often juxtaposed with intermittent positivity or intimacy, making it difficult to leave these toxic situations. The victim will often try to rationalize or justify the abuse they're experiencing and consequently form an emotional attachment to their abuser.
Finally, I don’t normally like to link to BuzzFeed, but what this radio station is doing is worth it.
From the Archives
How People Talking About It Helped Me
Unknowingly to me at the time, those posts and pieces of conversations had stuck with me and formed a basis for what to expect in the immediate aftermath as well as the weeks and months to come.
Sharing – Why the Small Stuff Matters
We spend too much time focused on our to-do list, forgetting why we are doing those things in the first place.
Relationships are Hard for Survivors, We Don’t Know Ourselves - Child abuse disrupts the normal development when it comes to our sense of self. Being in a healthy relationship requires a sense of self.
Hoping you have a lovely weekend. - Mike