Child Abuse and Mental Health Survivors Information - Issue #63
As we all consider the distinct possibility that a social network used by millions of people will just go dark eventually when the final server glitches and there are no employees left to reboot it, and count the days, hours, or minutes, before that happens, can I ask you to share this newsletter with your own networks so that we can create a little community to share our experiences with mental health, abuse, trauma, and everything else we can talk about?
Twitter has, for all of it’s faults, always been a place where I’ve found a lot of knowledge and tried to share a lot of knowledge. We don’t need Twitter to do that. We can do it anywhere that smart, thoughtful, people gather. Let’s make those places together regardless of what some billionaire does to the current ones.
New From the Blogs
Sharing – What Not to Say to Your Grieving Friend
I’ve seen so many examples of people who felt the need to say something to a grieving spouse, child, etc., that they wind up saying something that makes everyone who hears it cringe. There are some good examples of what not to say in the article below, but maybe this sentence is the best thing to remember:
“In the end, the best thing to say when you don’t know what to say is just that. “I don’t know what to say, but I’m here for you.” “
It’s That Time of Year – Setting Boundaries with your Family
“I enjoyed reading it. Some of you looking for the best way to communicate your boundaries might find one or two valuable things on her list this season.”
There is More Than One Way to Stigmatize Mental Health Issues
“That’s a whole lot of people in this survey who are not OK with those of us who have struggled with mental health being their friend, a family member, around their kids, in a job or renting a place to live.
That’s some severe stigma.”
Shared From Elsewhere
You Are Psychologically Stronger Than You Think
“There is a dangerous myth that is virtually endemic in today’s society, and it hampers happiness, success, and growth. The myth states that human beings are inherently fragile and that the only way to be happy and successful in life is to protect oneself by avoiding adversity.”
Sexual abuse survivors launch national day to encourage others to speak up
The Aussie only came forward when he read another man tell his own story. This is why we speak.
Trauma-Informed Practice Matters
“Sexual violence can happen to anyone, be perpetuated by anyone, and occur in person or online, via technology. Because sexual violence is so prevalent and the impacts so great, it’s vital that those who work with survivors come from a place of understanding and empathy.”
The Future of Accessible Mental Health Care is Online
From the Archives
I’ve Been Going to Therapy Again
“I’ve done therapy before, but this time it’s different. It’s been physical therapy for my knee injury.
On the one hand, though, the parallels are interesting, but on the other, the perceptions are totally different. It shouldn’t be that way.”
Sharing – Thinking About Reaching Out to Someone? Science Says Do It
“I have to admit, I’m guilty of this. I often delay reaching out because I’m afraid of bothering people or because I just get busy and forget how important it is. Even though I, like most of us, love it when people reach out to me. Go figure.”
Yes, You Do Know Victims of Sexual Abuse
“The fact is, if you don’t know anyone who is a survivor, it’s most likely due to the fact that the survivors around you have decided not to reveal it, either to you, or at all.”